Monday, April 27, 2009

Rolling out...

A friend that is agreeable like spring has got me hooked on this blogging idea. I have always been a journal writer, but hey... why not spread the love with the whole net.... or something like that... Uh... SO. My real name is Stephanie. I was born and raised in Ogden, Utah. I have a love hate relationship with this place that I am sure you will be reading about later. I am a dedicated and passionate cycling enthusiast who enjoys an adventure, yummy food, a hot cup of tea, a shot of espresso, good friends, strolls in the sun, people watching, yoga, reading, laughing at the odd, out-of-my-hands things in life, traveling, and etc, etc...hik... okay... I think you get it. I am up for most anything as long as it doesnt clash to horribly with my red hair!... and morals. Thats my quick intro..... I guess. Later.

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