Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Brutally and honset. Me.

February 20th 2013
Here we are in Mallorca. Living out our weird lives of riding bikes dependent on Alister’s family while they’re back in Connecticut freezing there faces off, we are here, riding bikes and relaxing while they are back in the states working long hours. I am here doing nothing it seems, but living out youthful retirement. Does this mean I wont end up getting a real retirement when I have grey hair and saggy old skin? I hope not. 

I do hope that Alister has a good year riding and racing so that he either gets a great contract for next season so he can keep doing what he loves or that he knows he gave it everything and goes out with a boom before chasing dreams down a different road in our lives. I feel like I am in a place I don't necessarily want to be in. I love that I am living in Europe and that I am doing it with my best friend, but its weird at my young age to be in this sort of waiting room part of my life when I should be eagerly chasing a goal oriented around myself. Because of Alister’s status as a cyclist all finances, energy, and focus needs to be on him. Now is time to be 100% focused on his goal. This season, now! When Alister unexpectedly may need to spend 200 euro on a bike part that the team doesn't provide I cant say, “No, I needed to buy a pair of slacks and shoes for my job interview.” A life long dream of mine is to study french in France and I thought about doing that this year since France is “next door”, but that would mean me being away in France and the whole point of me moving to Belgium was to be here for Alister. 

My focus is on filling my head and his with belief and encouragement. Reminding myself over and over, “him doing well is me doing well. He can do this.” Thats all we need to worry about now. His ride clothes being cleaned, recovery food being ready, washing his bike... basically being his “swanny”. While all the same being his girlfriend loving each other, enjoying each others company.  Yeah, I might get a little side job if it comes up washing dishes illegally at the hotel down the street from us in Belgium, but “me” doesn’t matter right now. All that matters is Alister, having winning fitness, winning mentality. And me on the side lines being a cheer leader and when he wins a race I can be there at the finish to give him a huge kiss and know that part of that success is because of me.  Him doing well is good for the both of us... Him doing well is me doing well..... We can do this. 

I also have to look at this year as a great year for us both to expand our networks in the cycling world, and to get some checks off our “Traveling Bucket List”. 

April 23rd 2013

Time as it normally does is flying by. I have now been in Europe mostly Belgium since Mallorca in February. I cant say that I at all like this country. The weather sucks, the people are grumpy, probably because the weather sucks, everything is over the top expensive, and its really flat and ugly so riding isn’t fun. Brugge is pretty, but I have seen enough of it and am over it. Whatever, call me ungrateful. I have met a few very nice people however. 

Eating out in Belgium. Give OVVVERRR. They charge an arm and a leg to eat out here which sucks for me because I really enjoy eating out. My purse cant afford to eat at restaurants where you get healthy food prepared well and my hips and thighs cant afford to eat waffles, chocolates, beer and frites smothered in mayo and ketchup all of the time. 

I love Alister and part of why I love Alister so much is because he is tame and keeps me grounded like the weight at the end of the string of a helium balloon. He offsets my spontaneity and craziness, but that is why Josh Papworth has been a great breath of funky fresh air for us. He is from somewhere up northern side of England and racing/living here as well. He is the spark we needed to have a little more fun.  He reminds me a little of my brother John. Miguel is from spain and is very calm and a nice addition to the party. Its nice to have some people around who are in similar situations to us. They get it when most of the world doesn’t. 

England isn’t all sunshine and butterflies either but I like it more than Belgium, partly because Alister has family there, we have really grown to love his Uncle and Aunt Malcom and Annette. Beautiful people they are. I really enjoy their company. They have good taste in food and coffee, they are kind and selfless and love cycling.  They are the kind of people one enjoys to be around because they are very positive. England, although maybe dangerous for cycling, is at least beautiful and has undulating landscapes. I quite enjoyed our short little two day trip there last week and was not excited to return to Oostkamp. 

Dutch is hard and I just cant seem to stir up the motivation to try learning it because I honestly hope to never have to ever again after this year need to hear or speak Flemish or Dutch... EVER AGAIN. French, Italian, Spanish, Greek, Japanese... Anything else....  I would be all in. Its a pity really. I shouldn’t think like that, but am okay with it. 

I spend most of my time these days daydreaming of being back in Mallorca or in Italy, the south of France, Sunshiney Durnago, Bali, Taiwan, or Southern California... anywhere really where the sun shines and they have mountains, and wearing a tank top with shorts and flip flops isn't frowned upon... anywhere but Belgium. But not only do I day dream about being in all of these places. I really day dream about being in all of these places with Alister. Being romantic and in love and young and spontaneous together without worry of training for his races or getting to work. I want so badly for us to experience the world together, just us. I want us to learn to let go of worry and fear. To learn to just feel and breath and explore and grow as to be more ready to settle into life. 

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