Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Hardest Part About Love

I was asked the other day by a co worker what I thought the hardest part about love was. It was out of the blue and I was focused on a qwest customer problem so just answered crudely and said... well I shouldnt say it again because it was gross, but its not what I meant by any means. On my bike ride commute home I had some more time to think about it. Being that I just went through a fairly big breakup, I couldnt help not too as I rolled down the street staring at our beautiful mountains. (I get a great view of them and Ogden when I bike down 30th next to the Ogden Air Port everyday.) I realized the hardest part about love is failing it. The hardest part about love is when it is dragged down to fester with all of the other petty, dirty, meaningless, and condisending things in the world. Just the same as any out-of-this-world thing that is blurred by our black smog and polution, pushed aside, and taken for granted. Its almost immpossible to escape, but I am ready to find out what impossible means and soar above it on the wings of a dream.... I miss DGE... The hardest part about love is failing it.... losing it.

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